martes, 22 de junio de 2021
domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013
Primero como es debido, ya he vuelto y bienvenido a todos mis lectores. Ya ha sido mas de un año que no pongo una receta. Ha sido un año muy duro con muchos cambios y trabajo. Ya estoy de vuelta en Noruega y trabajo aquí en ISS catering. Tengo novedades para este año con una pagina web que estamos preparando. Pero hoy nos toca una receta que hice el otro día ara una empresa que se llama Optimera que es cliente mio y cuando me han preguntado por la receta, aquí esta.
First, as expected, I'm back and welcome to all my readers. It has been over a year since I put in a recipe to my blog. It's been a tough year with many changes and a lots of work. I'm back in Norway and work here at ISS catering. The new thing this year is that I'm preparing a website. But today we have a recipe that I made the other day for a company that is one of my customers, Optimera. and they when asked for the recipe, so here it is.
Nachos para 4 - 5 personas
600 grs de carne picada
1 cebolla grande
1 pimiento rojo
1 pimiento amarillo
1/2 calabacin
250 grs de maíz
1 - 2 chili
3 dientes de ajo
250 grs de tomate triturado
1 cucharada de tomate concentrado
cilantro fresco
150 - 200 grs de queso cheddar rayado
200 grs de nachos
Nachos for 4-5 people
600 grams of minced meat
1 large onion
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
1/2 zucchini
250 g of corn
1-2 chili
3 cloves of garlic
250 g of crushed tomatoes
1 tablespoon tomato paste
cumin (For the Norwegians, Spisskumin)
fresh cilantro
150-200 grams of shredded cheddar cheese
200 grams of nachos
Como se hace.....
Picar todas las verduras. Si quiere con menos picante usa solamente 1 chili. Recuerda que las semillas también son picantes. A mi me encanta el picante y uso 2 chilis con sus semillas.
Empezamos con freír las verduras a fuego medio.
Añadimos 1 cucharadita de sal, un poco de tomillo y comino.
Cuando las verduras están medio pochadas añadimos la carne picada y 1 cucharadita de sal, un poco mas de comino y pimienta negra.
Cuando las verduras están pochadas y la carne esta frita, añadimos el tomate triturado junto con 1 cucharada de tomate concentrado y 1 cucharada de azúcar.
Freímos todo unos 10 minutos a fuego lento. Comprobamos como esta la comida de sabor y añadimos si falta algo.
Calentamos e horno a 180 C.
Cogemos una fuente de horno y ponemos la comida en el fondo y encima una capa de nachos.
Luego añadimos el queso cheddar rayado por encima de los nachos.
Horneamos unos minutos hasta que el queso se ha fundido.
Y por ultimo picamos un poco de cilantro fresco para el toque final.
Servir con una ensalada.
Step by step.....
Chop all vegetables. If you want it less spicy (hot) use only one chili. Remember that the seeds also are spicy. I really love it hot so I use two chilis with the seeds.
Start up with frying the vegetables over medium heat.
We add 1 teaspoon of salt, a little of thyme and cumin.
When the vegetables are half poached add the ground beef and 1 teaspoon of salt, and a little more of cumin and black pepper.
When the vegetables are poached and the meat is fried, add the crushed tomatoes with tomato paste and 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 table spoon with sugar.
Fry all about 10 minutes over low heat. We check the tast of the food and add if something is missing.
Heat the oven to 180 C.
We put the food in the bottom of a tray and on the top a layer of nachos.
Then add the shredded cheddar cheese over the nachos.
Bake for a few minutes until the cheese has melted.
And finally chop some fresh cilantro for the finishing touch.
Serve with a salad.
sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012
Ensalada de col Coleslaw salad
Verano y tiempo de barbacoa. Una de las ensaladas mas veraniegas es el Coleslaw. De origenes holandesas y muy popular en USA. Hoy que voy a hacer una barbacoa es natural de hacer mi interpretacion del Coleslaw.
Summer and barbecue time. One of the most popular summer salads is the Coleslaw. Of Dutch origins and very popular in USA. Today I will do a barbecue and is natural that I do my interpretation of Coleslaw.
1/2 col
1 - 2 zanahorias
1/2 cebolla
5 cucharadas de mayonesa
4 cucharadas de nata
4 cucharadas de leche entera
2 - 3 cucharaditas de azucar
1 cucharada de vinagre de manzana
1/2 col
1 - 2 zanahorias
1/2 cebolla
5 cucharadas de mayonesa
4 cucharadas de nata
4 cucharadas de leche entera
2 - 3 cucharaditas de azucar
1 cucharada de vinagre de manzana
1/2 cabbage
1 to 2 carrots
1/2 onion
5 tablespoons mayonnaise
4 tablespoons of cream
4 tablespoons whole milk
2 to 3 teaspoons of sugar
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1/2 cabbage
1 to 2 carrots
1/2 onion
5 tablespoons mayonnaise
4 tablespoons of cream
4 tablespoons whole milk
2 to 3 teaspoons of sugar
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Como se hace:
Tenemos que empezar con las verduras. Cortamos el medio col en tiras. Lo mismo con la media cebolla y al final rallamos las zanahorias.
How it is done:
We have to start with the vegetables. Cut the half cabbage into strips. We do the same with the half onion and finally grate the carrots.
Luego mezclamos 5 cucharadas de mayonesa con 4 cucharadas de nata y 4 cucharadas de leche entera. Añadimos el azucar segun gusto.
Then we mix 5 tablespoons mayonnaise with 4 tablespoons of cream and 4 tablespoons whole milk. Add the sugar according to taste.
A las verduras añadimos 1 cucharada de vinagre de manzana y un poco de sal. Mezclamos todo. Tambien podemos usar un poco de zumo de manzana o cortar un poco de manzana. Da un toque fresco a la ensalada.
To the vegetables we add 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar and some salt. Mix it all. We can also use a little bit of apple juice or cut some apple. Give a fresh touch to the salad.
Mezclamos la salsa que hemos hecho con las verduras y dejamos el Coleslaw enfriar en el frigorifico unas horas antes de usarla.
Mix the sauce we've done with the vegetables and let the Coleslaw cool in the refrigerator for a few hours before use.
jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012
17/5 El día nacional de Noruega / The national day of Norway
TRONDHEIM 17/05/12
El 17 de mayo en el año 1814 es el dia del nacimiento del contitucion de Noruega. Nuestro dia nacional empezo a celebrarse en Trondheim el siguente año. Durante los años que estuvimos por debajo de los suecos (1814 - 1905) era un demostracion de orgullo y unidad nacional. Durante los años de la ocupacion nazi (1940 - 1945), era prohibido celebrar el dia nacional. La segunda guerra mundial termino en Noruega el 8 de mayo y nos dio el tiempo justo para preparar nuestro primero dia nacional en libertad despues de 5 años de ocupación.
On 17th of May 1814 was the day of the birth of the norwegian contitucion. Our national day was first held in Trondheim the following year. During the years we were under the Swedes (1814 - 1905), celebrating was a demonstration of pride and national unity. During the years of Nazi occupation (1940 - 1945) it was forbidden to celebrate the national day. The Second World War ended in Norway on May 8th and gave us just enough time to prepare our first national day free after five years of occupation.
Las figuras principales del desfile de nuestro día nacional.
The main figures of our national day parade.
El dia nacional de Noruega The national day of Norway
El 17 de mayo en el año 1814 es el dia del nacimiento del contitucion de Noruega. Nuestro dia nacional empezo a celebrarse en Trondheim el siguente año. Durante los años que estuvimos por debajo de los suecos (1814 - 1905) era un demostracion de orgullo y unidad nacional. Durante los años de la ocupacion nazi (1940 - 1945), era prohibido celebrar el dia nacional. La segunda guerra mundial termino en Noruega el 8 de mayo y nos dio el tiempo justo para preparar nuestro primero dia nacional en libertad despues de 5 años de ocupación.
On 17th of May 1814 was the day of the birth of the norwegian contitucion. Our national day was first held in Trondheim the following year. During the years we were under the Swedes (1814 - 1905), celebrating was a demonstration of pride and national unity. During the years of Nazi occupation (1940 - 1945) it was forbidden to celebrate the national day. The Second World War ended in Norway on May 8th and gave us just enough time to prepare our first national day free after five years of occupation.
En Noruega tenemos un profundo sentimiento de orgullo nacional. El pais entero esta unido bajo la bandera y en nuestro dia nacional la gente saca sus banderas para enseñarlo con orgullo y respecto.
In Norway we have a deep sense of national pride. The entire country is united under the flag and on our national day the people bring out their flags to show it with pride and respect.
La gente se va al centro de Trondheim para celebrar el dia national. Cada vez mas y mas gente se estan juntando. En Noruega el tiempo no importa en nuestra celebracion. Hoy con lluvia, solamente con unos pocos grados, la cuidad se esta llenando.
The people goes to the center of Trondheim to celebrate the national day. More and more people are joining. In Norway, the weather does not matter in our celebration. Today with rain, only a few degrees, the city is filling up.
Entonces vemos las primeras escuelas con su banda de musica en camino de la cuidad. Van a un punto de reunion para luego desfilar por la cuidad con los de mas escuelas. Algunos van andando al punto de reunion y otros, que sus escuelas estan mas lejos, lo traen en autobuses.
Then we see the first schools with their music band on the road to town. They go to a meeting point and then paraded through the city with all the other schools. Some are walking to the meeting point, and others that their schools are further away, they bring in buses.
El punto de encuentro esta al lado del catedral. Los niños esperando impacientemente en sus mejores ropas por salir. Hoy ellos son las estrellas del dia.
The meeting point is next to the cathedral. Children waiting impatiently in their best clothes to parade. Today they are the stars of the day.
La gente llenando las calles esperando a ver a sus hijos y otros conocidos. En Noruega no hacemos desfile militar en nuestro dia nacional, lo dejamos todo a los niños y los estudiantes.
The people filling the streets hoping to see their children and other acquaintances. In Norway we do not have a military parade on our national day, we leave it all to the children and the students.
Las figuras principales del desfile de nuestro día nacional.
The main figures of our national day parade.
17 de mayo. A la izquierda la casa real, en el centro la estatua de Olav Tryggvason y de fondo el catedral Nidarosdomen. Un marco perfecto para la celebración.
May 17th. On the left the royal house, in the center the statue of Olav Tryggvason and the Cathedral Nidarosdomen at the background. A perfect setting for the celebration.
Cuando termina el desfile tenemos que ir a casa para seguir la fiesta. Ahora toca a sacar las mejores comida sobre la mesa con nuestros postres tradicionales. Por la tarde vamos normalmente a los colegios de los niños para seguir la fiesta con espetaculos y juegos. Un dia muy importante en el corazon de los Noruegos.
When the parade ends we have to go home to continue the party. Now it's time to get the best food on the table with our traditional desserts. In the afternoon we usually go to our childrens schools to continue the party with espetaculos and games. A very important day in the heart of the Norwegians.
domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012
Un trozo de Italia con su sabores A piece of Italy with its flavor
Focaccia es un pan tradicional italiano y a veces confundido con la pizza. Se puede comer solo o para acompañar todos tipos de platos. Aqui esta mi manera de hacer este pan con largas tradiciones en la cocina Italiana.
Focaccia is an traditional Italian bread and sometimes confused with the pizza. You can eat it alone or to accompany all types of dishes. Here is my way of making this bread with long traditions in Italian cuisine.
1/2 kg harina de reposteria
1 cucharadita de sal
2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
10 aceitunas
3 dl de agua
2 dl de aciete de oliva
3 cucharaditas de pesto
Sal de maldon
1/2 kg pastry flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
10 olives
3 dl water
2 dl olive oil
3 teaspoons of pesto
Maldon salt
Como se hace....
Empezamos con picar las olivas.
Luego mezclamos la harina con 1 cucharadita de sal y la levadura (30-50 grs). Añadimos 3 dl de agua templada, 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva y las olivas picadas. Mezclamos todo bien y añadimos mas harina si es necesario. Dejamos subir la masa a doble de tamaño.
Then mix the flour with 1 teaspoon salt and the yeast (30-50 grs). We add 3 dl warm water (30 - 40º), 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the chopped olives. Mix well and add more flour if necessary. We let the dough rise to double in size.
Amasamos la masa y luego usamos el rodillo para poner las masa un poco plana. Ponemos la masa en la bandeja.
Knead the dough and then use the roller to make the dough a little flat. Put the dough into the tray.
Mezclamos 2 dl de aciete de oliva con 3 cucharaditas de pesto. Ponemos la mezcla por encima del pan en cantidades. Hechamos por encima un poco de maldon salt y oregano. Dejamos la masa de pan subir por una hora. Hornear a 180º -200º por unos 25 minutos.
Mix 2 dl with olive oil with 3 tablespoons of pesto. Put the mixture on top of the dough in quantities. We put on top some Maldon salt and oregano. We let the dough rise for an hour. Bake at 180 ° -200 ° for 25 minutes.
Deja enfriar sobre una rejilla. Let it cool on a rack
Bakklandet Trondheim
Bakklandet es un barrio de Trondheim, que se encuentra en el lado este del río Nidelva y entre el puente Elgeseterbru y el puente Bakkebru. El área principal de Bakklandet esta situado alrededor del Puente viejo de la Ciudad. El área al sur del Puente viejo de la Ciudad se llama el Bakklandet arriba, mientras que la zona norte se llama el Bakklandet baja. El primer asentamiento en el Bakklandet llegó en la mitad de la década de 1600 y el área con el tiempo llegó a ser el primer suburbio de Trondheim. Durante el asedio sueco de la ciudad en 1658, las tropas Sueco quemaron todos los edificios. En 1718 el Bakklandet tambien se lo pegaron fuego, pero esta vez por las fuerzas noruegas, como parte de la defensa de la ciudad.
Bakklandet is a borough in Trondheim, located on the east side of the river Nidelva between Elgeseter bridge and Bakke bridge. The main area of Bakklandet is around the Old Town Bridge. The area south of Old Town Bridge is called the Upper Bakklandet, while the area between the Old Town Bridge and the Bakke bridge is called the Lower Bakklandet. The first settlement at Bakklandet came in the middle of the 1600s and the area eventually came to be the Trondheims first suburb. During the Swedish siege of the city in 1658, the Sweedish troops burned down all the buildings. In 1718 the Bakklandet were again set on fire, but this time by the Norwegian forces as part of the defense of the city.
Rio Nidelva. A la izquierda tenemos Bakklandet.
Nidelva river. To your left we have Bakklandet.
Bakklandet vista desde Trondheim.
Bakklandet seen from Trondheim
Al igual que en el lado de la ciudad Bakklandet consistió también con muelles a lo largo del río y casas en su interior. Los que vivían aquí eran en su mayoría hombres de negocios más pequeños, artesanos y obreros. Los muelles eran más pequeños y las casas más simple y con frecuencia sólo de en una sola planta.
As on the city side Bakklandet consisted also with piers along the river and houses within. Those who lived here were mostly smaller businessmen, artisans and laborers. The piers were smaller and the houses simpler and often only on one floor.
La entrada principal tenemos por el puente viejo.
The main entrance lie to the old brigde.
Fotos de Bakklandet arriba. Photos from upper Bakklandet.
The Bakklandet is famous for its bohemian lifestyle and small galleries. Here we can find small houses converted into workshop and showroom.
Fotos de Bakklandet baja. Photos from lower Bakklandet.
jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012
domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012
Curry dressing
Una delicia con un toque asiático. A delight with an asian touch.
Un dressing que es facil de hacer y lleno de sabores. Excellente dressing para ensaladas veraniegas combinado con el uso de las barbacoas. Tenia un poco de pollo asado en el frigorifico del otro dia y el curry da un toque especial a la carne de pollo.
A dressing that is easy to make and full of flavors. Excellent summer salad dressing combined with the use of the barbecues. I had some grilled chicken in the fridge from the other day and curry gives a special touch to chicken meat.
Römme o creme fraiche
Zumo de piña
Römme or creme fraiche
Pineapple juice
Como se hace....
No pongo cantidades porque eso depende a cuantos personas vas a hacer el dressing y tu propio gusto.
Mezclamos römme/creme fraiche con zumo de piña hasta conseguir una textura suave. Añadimos mas o menos 1 cucharadita de curry, un poco de sal y de azúcar. Comprobar como de esta de sabor y corregir si hace falta. Si quieres un poco mas de color amarillo puedes utilizar un poco de cúrcuma. Ten cuidado con el curry que no contenga picante.
No pongo cantidades porque eso depende a cuantos personas vas a hacer el dressing y tu propio gusto.
Mezclamos römme/creme fraiche con zumo de piña hasta conseguir una textura suave. Añadimos mas o menos 1 cucharadita de curry, un poco de sal y de azúcar. Comprobar como de esta de sabor y corregir si hace falta. Si quieres un poco mas de color amarillo puedes utilizar un poco de cúrcuma. Ten cuidado con el curry que no contenga picante.
How is done ....
I do not put amounts in this recipe because it depends on how many people you are going to make the dressing to and your own taste.
Mix römme / creme fraiche with pineapple juice until it has a smooth textur. Add more or less 1 teaspoon of curry, a little salt and sugar. See how this taste and correct if necessary. If you want a little yellow can use a bit of turmeric.
Beware of if the curry is hot or not. I think is better witout.
I do not put amounts in this recipe because it depends on how many people you are going to make the dressing to and your own taste.
Mix römme / creme fraiche with pineapple juice until it has a smooth textur. Add more or less 1 teaspoon of curry, a little salt and sugar. See how this taste and correct if necessary. If you want a little yellow can use a bit of turmeric.
Beware of if the curry is hot or not. I think is better witout.
Ahora toca de hacer un poco de ensalada rica y disfrutar.
Now it's time to make some good salad and enjoy.
Norwegian gastronomy
The traditinal Norwegian cuisine is founded mostly in raw materials available in our country who is dominated by mountains, fjords, rugged landscapes and the sea. Therefore, it differs in many aspects of continental cuisine more focused on hunting and fish. Do not forget that Norway is a cold country, a factor that completely dominates the food culture of this country.
One of the traditional dishes and world famous due its popularity is the smoked salmon. It is one of the most exported Norwegian products and arguably one of the contributions of Norway cuisine to international cuisine. There are two ways of smoked salmon or other fish. The best known is coldsmoked and is what we see daily in all stores and the other is hotsmoked. The difference is that cold smoked the temperature never has to exceed 60 °, the process is long and the result is a salmon flavored dehydrated by the smoke. The hot smoking we use a metal box and in the bottom we put a handful of hardwood sawdust and the fish are placed on a rack above the sawdust. We fire up under the metal box and cook about 10 - 15 minutes. The fish is cooked in their own juice and get add the tast of smoke at the same time. We also have the gravlax (salmon marinated) which is a cured salmon with a mixture of salt and sugar, flavored with dill. The salmon is prepared in different ways, often served with scrambled eggs, mustard sauce or dill. The most peculiar fish dish from the kitchen is the rakfisk Norway. consisting of fermented trout. It smells rotten and it is recommended to eat outdoors.
The Norwegian export greater volume of food in the past has been dried cod. The variety known as Atlantic cod "skrei" has been an abundant source of food for several millennia. The annual fishing known as "Lofotfiske" has being done in the Lofoten archipelago. The tørrfisk (dried cod) has been internationally known for centuries, particularly in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in Portugal.
A different way of cooking cod is the lutfisk. Cod prepared with a type of acid that makes it like clear jelly. A popular dish for Christmas in Norway served with many types of lining. This dish is very peculiar. People who try it love it or hate it. No middle ground.
A lot of fish dishes are popular today, all based on a variety of species such as salmon, cod, herring, trout and mackerel. Products served smoked, marinated, salted or pickled. We have hot smoked mackerel with freshly ground black pepper or herring, first salted and then stored with pickled vegetables, herbs and bittersweet lake. Every recipe is a product of the imagination to try to preserve food for a longer time.
Due to the availability of seafood along the coast, the dishes are usually served as fresh, usually cooked very lightly, steamed and seasoned with herbs, pepper and salt. Main dishes are shrimp from Greenland, crab, crayfish and russian crabs that lately are invading the coast of Norway. When fall arrives the season starts for crabs and people go to the docks and buy it directly from the fishing vessels freshly cooked. Another custom is to buy the shrimp directly from the fishing boats. Normally sold in liter, not kilos. Possibly the best in the world.
Prior to the twentieth century, whale meat was commonly used as a cheap substitute for meat cattle. Since prices in this century, due to legal restrictions imposed on this country (300 whales per year) have made the whale meat a delicacy much more rare and expensive. Eating whale meat, although is not common today, is a controversial issue in Norway. The taste of whale meat is like a normal meat and a deep red because the whale is a mammal animal.
Meat and hunting
The high cuisine use meat as moose, reindeer, deer and wild birds. These meats are hunted (except reindeer who the Lapps breed) and sold or given away as purely social act between neighbors. Today we often buy it in the stores and are often served at social occasions. These meats have a distinct taste, strong and are often served with condiments matching, such as wild berries, juniper and different tasty sauces.
There is a wide variety of meat salted and smoked, sometimes simultaneously. The sausages depends mainly on regional variations and exist in a great variety. A good example is the Morr Polse that it is a smoke-cured sausage.
Dishes are usually accompanied by sour cream, lefse (like the Mexican tortilla), wheat bread or Norwegian flatbread.
(See my recipe)
The lamb is a very popular in Norway and in the fall and is eaten in all parts of the country. One example is the fårikål (lamb stew accompanied by cabbage) it is possibly one of the dishes most loved by Norwegians and maybee the national dish of Norway. Is cooked by placing layers of cabbage and lamb with black peppercorns in a pot over low heat for a couple of hours.
Cured lamb ribs, and sometimes smoked, known as pinnekjøtt that are boiled for several hours on birch sticks in a pot, is traditionally served as Christmas dinner in all over of the country. Usually served with mashed rutabaga, boiled potatoes and a light sauce.
The Swede was the most used vegetables in Norway until Columbus brought the potato to Europe. It is still an important part of Nordic cuisine.
Other of the specialties is the fenalår, cured leg of lamb. We also have a favorite dish of my youngest daughter, Nordic meatballs. Served with cabbage, potatoes and jam. Lately very famous in the IKEA stores.
Due to the partial survival of medieval taboo against contact with dead horses, eating the flesh of the horse was almost unthinkable a few decades ago, but today it is used in some of the preparation of sausages.
There is a soup called "sodd", which has a long gourmet history and the recipe changs from one region to another. Don´t called it a soup to the norwegians because the sodd are sodd and not a soup. It is curious that today almost every purchase precooked, and you just add some vegetables or more meatballs. The meatballs are made with a mixture of meat.
Fruits and desserts
Fruits and berries mature very slowly in the cold climate of Norway. This phenomenon makes that the fruits have a tendency to a smaller volume and a more intense taste. Strawberries, apples, and cherries are popular and a part of a wide variety of desserts.
One of the most traditional desserts to accompany our holiday meals is rice cream with raspberry jam. (see my recipe)
It is very popular to serve German-style pastries served with sponge cake, and the danishpastry like the wienerbrød (Vienna bread). Also a place on the table we have the "kaffebrød" sweet breads and biscuits.
Cardamom is a common spice. Coffee is an extremely common part of the social life and we enjoy a cup before and after meals, with desserts or a liqueur. The normal medium Norwegian consumes 160 liters of coffee every year.
Typical drinks of Norway
Beer has long traditions in Norway. The Gulating law had strong sentences for those who didn´t make beer in the old time. The beer was to give "thanks" to Jesus and the Virgin Mary for a good year and peace. At the time of the Vikings they drank it from beer horns with 2 legs, a typical souvenirs sold today in stores. As in Germany we have law of the purity of beer and the Norwegians are proud of their good beer. There is a tradition we do every year and it is to make a special beer for Christmas (juleöl). Usually a beer with a little bit stronger flavor and degrees. Essential in the table at all holiday meals with a shot of akevitt.
The name of Akevitt comes from Latin "water of life." Usually based on fermented potatoes and flavoured with caraway and dill to give it a typical Norwegian snaps flavor.
We do not know when it started the manufacturing of akevitt in Norway but the first time it was named was in a letter from 1531. On a boat that sailed from Trondheim in 1805 was loaded with several barrels of akevitt among other things for sale in Malaysia, but they seld everything but not the akevitt and they brought it back. Just before Christmas two years later came the boat to Trondheim and everyone was agreed that the akevitt had improved in quality with the movement of the trip. This was how the linie akevitt was discovered. Akevitt barrels sent to Australia and back in a boat for optimal ripening process. The akevitt is a drink served with herring, cod, smoked fish and meats as pinnekjøtt and ribbe. It´s said that it helps to burn the fat from the food.
Another national drink is karsk. An alcoholic beverage done illegally in the home and mixed with coffee and sugar. Because of the high price of alcohol sold in the state owned stores, there are people who make their own alcohol at home. You can get it up to 96 ° alcohol and we mixed in a cup of coffee. First pour coffee to half a cup, then enter 1 dice of sugar, then add with the alcohol until we can see the dice of sugar and then ended up with a little more coffee until it the sugar disappears again . An authentic karsk.
We also have a mulled wine called glögg.
The glögg is another typical drink of Christmas and in the days with cold and bad weather.
Hot wine in a pot with ingredients such as cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, lemon juice, raisins, orange peel and sugar. Serve directly from the pot in small glasses. A good way to keep warm in a cold night.
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