domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012

A journey in Norway

Norge - Norway

Ja, vi elsker dette landet .... Yes, we love this country ....
So begins the national anthem of Norway, which is a tribute to the country.

A large country in northern Europe with its great, untamed and above all, amazing natural variety.

The nature and climate have made those who lives in this country. The european cultur that has come through the centuries was assimilated and reworked, creating a Norwegian cultural expression. So the foreigners, even today, see the country as foreign and exotic, this despite the fact that modern Norway is considered one of the wealthiest and most developed countries in the world.
With its 387,000 square kilometers Norway is the fifth largest country in Europe. That means that the 4.5 million Norwegians have very good space compared to the densely populated countries located in Southern Europe.
Norway was united for the first time under the viking king Harald Hårfagre in the year of 872, and was a kingdom in the following centuries. Norway had a changing history under the Danish crown and then under the Swedish. In 1814 Norway adopted its own constitution and in 1905 erected his own king and flag.

Oslo was founded by Harald Hardråde in 1048. The city was in its infancy the bishopric and the center of trade on Østlandet. Oslo was the capital for the first time in 1299. After the dissolution of the union with Denmark in 1814 it was again capital, this time as host of the king, parliament and government. Today Oslo is a national and international center of art and culture.

Oslo - Capital of Norway. It is a green city with a exciting and cultural entertainment in a picturesque metropolis with the warmth of a small cit. From its green hills with their sports arenas (Holmenkollen), world famous, bordering the city to the restless harbour with commercial and recreational vessels. In the harbor you can try freshly cooked shrimp, perhaps the best in the world, a delight for the palate and the eye.

Southern Norway, most Norwegians associated the Sørlandet (Southern country) with summer, sun and beach. No wonder that the inhabitants of the two provinces in southern Norway double their population in the summer season. It is a idyllic archipelago and its picturesque wooden houses make Sørlandet coast as a magnet for tourist boats.

Sørlandet is more than just a beautiful archipelago white wooden houses and the salty sea. Setesdal is considered one of the richest valleys in Norwegian cultural traditions. Even in modern times the inhabitants have managed to retain Setesdal peasant culture through the preservation of its old wooden houses and large yards. Also making costumes and silver are well preserved in Setesdal.

Bergen was founded in 1070 by Olav Kyrre. Its proximity to the sea and the trade made bergen to the largest and most important of Norway until 1830. The Germans of the Hanseatic League dominated the city since the beginning of the fourteenth century until 1750 and became an important commercial metropolis. Today Bergen is the second largest city in Norway, with a thriving cultural and commercial life. Bergen is also a center for research and education.
Bergen is beautifully situated among seven hills. The city has about 220,000 inhabitants and is the beginning and end of the Hurtigruta-famous tourist boat trip along the long Norwegian coast. Some of its most popular attractions are the dock, the funicular, the fish market and the aquarium.

Western Norway, the magnificent and varied nature of this region makes Vestlandet something completely special. Nowhere has the drama of nature and the landscape seen like here. The fjords of Vestlandet stretched for hundreds of miles into the mountains. In the end of the idyllic fjord the flowers face the forces of nature, waterfalls and rivers.
In the past the culinary traditions in Norwaychanged from one place to another, depending on available resources and access to raw materials. Along the coast in Northern Norway is natural that the traditional food is fish, while the inhabitants of Vestlandet prefer to have on their table heads of sheep, called "smalahove". The smalahove have gone through a long process before being served at the party table, first salted, then smoked and finally roasted in the coals.

Trondheim, Norway's first capital. Founded by Viking King Olav Tryggvason in 997. The Norwegian empire stretching from the White Sea to North America was led from Trondheim, or Nidaros as the city was called in the past. The Saga told that from Nidaros a viking called Leiv Eirikson sailed to New Foundland in North America. After King Olav the Holy was defeated at Stiklestad, Trondheim became the religious center of the country and an international place of pilgrimage.

The mausoleum of King Olav the Holy is placed belov the altar of Nidaros Cathedral for the last 500 years. In this period both, Nidaros and the crypt of King Olav, have been a place of pilgrimage for all of Northern Europe. Today in the world it exists more than 400 churches in honor of King Olav. Trondheim marks the day of his death on July 29, with a St.Olavs festival in July and August.
Trondheim is the third largest city with 143,000 inhabitants. Now appears as a modern city, university,and a center of trade in the region. The city has a rich historical heritage and is considered the town with one of the best preserved wooden houses in the Nordic countries.

Typical houses in a mining town in the center of Norway called Røros. A site with an architectural beauty and cultural heritage of humanity.

A small islet at the mouth of the river Nidelva and was formerly a prison and a monastery. Today is a museum and entertainment site. The situation of Trondheim, between the river and the fjord, made the city unconquerable by the enemy. This was the possible reason why the Viking King Olav Tryggvason founded the town in 997.

Central Norway, midt - Norge, is a Norway in miniature. Within its borders we have the sea and the fjord, productive areas cultivated and the wildness of the high mountains. In historical times Midt-Norge was the center of Norway. Here lived our early kings and chiefs. This part of the country was also the center of religious power.

Salmon fishing.
The region can provide many activities in the nature. Among others the rivers are considered like the most attractive in the world to fish for wild salmon. From mid-century European fishermen have sought the capture of salmon with over 20 kgs in these rivers.

Tromsø, located next to the Tromsøysundet with the wiew to powerful snowy mountains. Above the river Tromsøysundet, streches the bridge Tromsøbrua with its elegance. Beside the bridge is the nontraditional Ishavskatedralen and deserves a visit. The mountain lift climbes up the Fløyfjellet mountain where we have an extraordinary view of the city and the region.

North Norway, the country of the Midnight Sun includes the regions of: Nordland, Troms and Finnmark. Nature in Northern Norway is so full of contrasts from the rest of the country. Since the vast coast of Nordland to the arid border of Finnmark and to the inhospitable Barents Sea. The climate and nature have left their mark on the culture and village life. When the sun returns after prolonged darkness, we celebrate the feast of the Sun in our two regions further north.

Cod - gold from the sea. Lofoten. The great group of islands in Nordland is renowned for its fishing banks where haddock come to spawn. In February / March is a fantastic fishing and hundreds of fishing boats come from all over the Norwegian coast.

I hope that you have enjoyed your trip around Norway.

Pan Noruego / Norwegian bread

Tiempo de un buen pan estilo Noruego / Time for a good Norwegian style bread

En Noruego se come mucho pan y hay una gran variedad. La gente le gusto comer sano y uso mucho pan integrales. Aqui esta mi receta que uso en mi casa. Espero que les guste.
In Norwegian we eats lots of bread and there is great variety. People like to eat healthy and use a lot of bread with grains. Here is my recipe I use in my house. I hope you like it.

750 grs harina de reposteria
350 grs harina integral
200 grs harina gruesa
50 grs levadura
3 cucharadas semillas de lino
1 cucharada de sal gruesa
2 cucharaditas de azucar
3 cucharada de aceite virgen
1 cucharadita de miel
700 ml agua templada
750 grams pastry flour
350 grams flour
200 grams coarse flour
50 grams baking powder
3 tablespoons flaxseed
1 tablespoon coarse salt
2 teaspoons sugar
3 tablespoon virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon honey
700 ml warm water (About 40º celcuis)

Como se hace...
Empezamos con poner las semilla de lino en agua una hora antes. Mesclamos las harina con la levadura, la sal y la azucar en un bol. Calentamos el agua hasta 40º y lo vertimos en el bol y mezclamos todo. Al final añadimos las semillas de lino escurrido, la aceite virgen y la miel. Mesclarlo bien y dejar la masa subir una hora.

Amasamos la masa añadiendo harina de repostería, dividimos en dos. Seguimos amasando cada parte y luego lo colocamos en el molde que anteriormente hemos engrasado.
How to make ...
We start with to put flaxseed in water for about an hour before.  Mix the flour with the baking powder, salt and sugar in a bowl. Heat up the water to about 40 ° and poured it into the bowl and mix everything well. At the end we add the drained flaxseed, the virgin olive oil and honey. Mix it well and let the dough rise for an hour.

Knead the dough by adding flour pastry, split in two. We knead each part and then place it in the mold which we have previously greased.

Ponemos dentro del horno una bandeja con agua para añadir humedad durante la coccion. Calentamos el horno a 250º y ponemos las panes en la parte baja del horno. Horneamos en 7 minutos y bajamos la tempratura a 175º y horneamos asi en otro 45 minutos.

Put in the oven a pan of water to add moisture during cooking. Heat up the oven to 250º and put the bread in the bottom of the oven. Bake in 7 minutes and then turn down the tempratura at 175 º and bake for another 45 minutes so.

Déjalo enfriar luego sin tapar para conseguir una corteza un poco mas dura.

Cool the breads uncovered to get the crust a little bit harder.

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Estofado Irlandés / Irish stew

Bienvenido a Irlanda y a un estofado Irlandes.  Welcome to Ireland and to Irish stew.

Irlanda un pais verde con una cocina cercano a la nuestra en Noruega. El estofado Irlandes es cercana a la nuestra de cordero en col. Se puede hacer en muchas variantes y aqui lo he hecho como a mi me gusta mas.
Ireland a green country with a kitchen near ours in Norway. The Irish stew is close to our own lamb in cabbage. It can be done in many variations, and here I have done it as I like it more.

Ingredientes. (Para 4 personas)
1.2 kg carne de cordero con huesos.
7 - 8 patatas medianas
1 cebolla
1 cebolla roja
4 - 5 zanahorias
3 dientes de ajos
1/2 cucharadita de tomillo
1/4 cucaradita de romero
Pimienta negra molida
Ingredients. (4 persons)
1.2 kg lamb with bones.
7 to 8 medium potatoes
1 onion
1 red onion
4 to 5 carrots
3 cloves of garlic
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/4 cucaradita rosemary
Ground black pepper

Como se hace...
Empezamos con freir la carne de cordero por todos los lados, salpimientamos y luego lo ponemos en una cacerola y cubrimos de agua. Cocer 45 minutos a fuego baja.

How to make ...
We start with frying the  lamb meat on all sides, put on salt and pepper and then put it in a pot and cover with water. Cook 45 minutes on low heat.

Cortamos las verduras en trozos grandes como en el foto.

Cut the vegetables into large pieces as in the photo.

Cuando la carne ha cocido 45 minutos, introducimos las verduras a la cacerola y añadimos 1/2 cucharadita de timian y 1/4 de cucharadita de romero. Dejamos cocer otros 30 minutos. Remover en vez en cuando. Las patatas vamos a cocer a parte.
When the meat has cooked 45 minutes, we introduce the vegetables into the pot and add 1/2 teaspoon thyme and 1/4 teaspoon rosemary. Cook for another 30 minutes. Stir once in a while. We are going to cook the potatoes separately.

Cuando estan las patatas cocido lo introducimos a la cacerola antes de servir el estofado. Comprobar como esta de sal y de pimienta. Espesamos un poco con maizena.

When potatoes are cooked we introduce them into the pot before serving the stew. See how it is with salt and pepper. We use a little bit of cornstarch to thicken slightly the stew.

Servir con pan plano u otro pan bueno y porsupuesto con una cerveza Guinness.   
Serve with flat bread or other good bread and of course with a Guinness beer.

Differents ways to smoke food

The smoking is performed by removing the water from organisms by the action of smoke and the dry air stream caused by fire. It is an invention to keep food longer and we smoke fish and meat. We place the products to smoke in tunnels or chimneys through which the smoke passes from burning wood such as oak, walnut, mahogany, birch or ash. With the smoking technique we accomplishes two goals: the conservation by dehydration and the addition of certain substances that flow from such fragrant woods and give them a special flavor. The composition of the wood used for smoking is in my country a secret that goes from father to son.

There are two ways to do the smoking. The first one is cold smoked, which is for example the salmon we buy in stores, and the second is hot smoked.

Cold smoked. The idea of this form of smoking is that the fish or the meat in no time must exceed the temperature of 60 ° celcius. The process of smoking lengthens and the result is that we know of smoking we buy in the store. Before you start smoking you have to put the piece in a brine of salt mixed with sugar or added directly at the piece. Salting time depends on the size and thickness of the fillets. And so does the smoking time also. For a 3 kgs cold-smoked salmon we need at least a couple of hours of smoking and after the smoking a day of ventilation. To build a smoker like this we must separate oven and smokehouse site, so that the smoke is cooled down on the way and never gets to the smokehouse with over 60º.

Hot smoking. They are the easiest to do. This is a box made of metal, where there is a rack and a tray about 2 cm above the bottom high. The idea is to put a couple of spoons of sawdust of hardwood at the bottom of the box. This sawdust can be flavored with a little juniper, rosemary, thyme or anise if you will. Then we place a metal tray on top of the sawdust, so the fish does not drip on the sawdust. Prepare the fish with a little of salt and some herbs to give taste and place the piece on the grill tray. Close the box and placed it over a fire so that the sawdust is lit while the fish is as cooking in its own juice and gets the smoke flavor. Its take about 12 to 15 minuts to smoke a fish. Little bit longer for meat.

Here is a hot-smoked salmon. You can see that the meat inside is cooked while the outside is more toasted and has caught the flavor of smoke.

All healthy, quick and easy to do.

Another delicacy from Norway is hot smoked mackerel with a little freshly ground colored pepper on top. It can be served as hot or cold dish comes together on a slice of bread.

It can also be smoked meats and poultry. Only your own imagination is the limit to make meals with this system.

domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Salsa de mostaza / Mustard sauce

Hola a todas amantes de las salsas.
Aqui dejo mi receta salsa de mostaza. Es sencilla y facil de hacer. Muy buena para acompañar el codillo aleman.
Hello to all lovers of the sauces.
Here is my recipe of mustard sauce. It is simple and easy to make. Very good to accompany the German knuckle.

250 ml de caldo de carne
1 cebolla
25 alcaparras
4 cucharaditas de mostaza
2 cucharaditas de azucar moreno
1 cuchara de harina de reposteria
Pimienta negra
250 ml broth (beef)
1 onion
25 capers
4 teaspoons of mustard
2 teaspoons of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of pastry flour
Ground black pepper

Como se hace....
Empezamos a poner 250 ml de agua en una cacerola pequeña with dos pastillas de caldo de carne a calentar.
Picamos la cebolla y los capers.
Ponemos un poco de aciete en una cacerola y freimos la cebolla y las alcaparras a fuego lento.
Cuando tenemos la cebolla transparente añadimos 1 cuchara de harina. Remover y luego vertimos el caldo dentro.
Mezclarlo todo bien.
How is done ....
We start to heat 250 ml of water in small saucepan with two tablets of beef broth.
Chop the onion and capers.
Put some oil in a pan and fry the onion and the capers at medium heat.
When the onion is like transparent we add 1 tablespoon flour. Stir and then pour the broth inside.
Mix well.

Ahora toca a añadir 4 a 5 cucharaditas de mostaza, 2 cucharaditas de azucar moreno y un poco de pimienta negra molida.
Remover y dejar cocer unos 15 a 20 minutos para que se mezcle bien los sabores.

Now it's time to add 4 to 5 teaspoons of mustard, 2 teaspoons brown sugar and some ground black pepper.
Stir and cook about 15 to 20 minutes to mix the flavors.

Deliciosa salsa para acompañar carnes en general.

                                                                       Delicious sauce to accompany meat dishes.

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Christmas in Norway


Christmas in Norway.

When Christmas comes, everything is party. Come see the holiday traditions and gastronomy as lively and magical. So welcome to the land of the trolls and the smoked fish.

Christmas was celebrated long before Christ's birth. Formerly it was held when the sun reversed its course, when at last the days begin to lengthen. The Norwegian, true to their ancestors the Vikings, knew how to convert food into the centerpiece of the celebration and there we have the julebord (Christmas table) celebrations at home or in restaurants. The festival takes place between food odors, spices, cakes and cookies. Candles with its dancing flames give warmth and a touch of magic to Christmas 

The celebration of Christmas begins four Sundays before December 24th to light one of the four candles of the Advent wreath. Normally we turn on the christmas lights decoration of the streets the day 1 of December and in my city we turn on the lights of a giant Christmas pine in the main square.
The 13th of december we celebrate the Santa Lucia, whose name means "light." All the girls dressed in a white robe wearing a crown of live candles on her head. For the smaller ones we use battery candles, just in case.

Throughout the month of December are the time of preparations for the big christmas party with small parties in between. We have the julebord, meetings between employees of a company, partnership or just between neighbors who come together to celebrate in restaurants and private homes.
Everything is now called Jul (Christmas), we juleöl (Christmas beer), julebord, jule curtains, jule calendar, everything has changed and of course we have the julenisse (Santa Claus).

The juleöl is a special beer that is manufactured only for Christmas, the brewery normally makes one or more types of this brew. Normally this type of beer has more degrees of alcohol and takes longer time to mature. The magazines and the newspapers tast the different christmas beers and give them quality ratings and rankings.
In all the celebrations we have to have juleöl, otherwise there is no Christmas.

Another thing we do is a drink called glögg (mulled wine). Made from red wine with cinnamon and spacing, cardemomo, ginger and cloves. You can also bring some vodka to upload some degrees. Serve with blanched almonds and raisins. The tradition is to take it during Advent and especially on the feast of St. Lucia.

Another beverages we must have for the Christmas celebration is the akevitt. Known for its digestive virtues. We drink it frozen or chilled in small cups. The akevitt is a type of liquor or scnaps that is made of potato and contains about 40º alcohol. It has a blend of herbs and the most valuable are cured in barrels inside of ships that go cross the ekvator and  back to get the perfect maturation of akevitt. With the Christmas meals we cheer with large glasses, which is the Christmas beer and with small glasses, which is the akevitt. Normally you get many in an excellent mood after a few cheers.

How I remember the Christmas in my childhood. One thing I had to have was the Christmas calendar. (Julekalender) is a schedule ranging from 1 to 24. Boxes are opened, one each day, and within each box is a gift or a sweet. It was something special that helped you survive the long waiting until the big day came with the christmas gifts. 

I never liked porridge, not even as a baby. But we have a Christmas porrigde that have a big affection, risengrynsgröt. A kind of gruel made with rice sprinkled with plenty of sugar and cinnamon. In the middle a small knob of butter. A family dish in which the cook had hidden a lucky almond. Whoever finds the almond hidden in your plate receive a marzipan pig as a gift. In the end, the children serve some of these invigorating porridge on a plate that is deposited in the barn or in the garden to give to Julenissen (Santa Claus) to be recovered from his long journey, delivering gifts.

In December we starts to prepare all kinds of Christmas cookies and candies. We maake the famous "pepperkaker" (gingerbread cookies) that one can find various types of forms and also made as  gingerbread houses. It is an endless variety of sweet. Donuts, crowns, chocolate stones, cakes and tarts. It is also the time of the krumkake, a cone-shaped tile, christmas goros and delicious waffles decorated. A big amount of recipes and each house has its own secrets that are passed from generation to generation.

We are enclosing us increasingly to the celebration of Christmas. The day before Christmas is when we have to decorate the tree but before you have to go out to the forest and choose the right tree and then cut it, to finally bring it home. The whole family prepare decorations, the youngers make woven baskets  from paper and parents dress the house of perennial branches of holly, mistletoe or pine. In the afternoon on December 23 turns on the lights of the Christmas tree and you can feel like the nerves run through your body, just one more day to the 24th. The children have problems with consolidat their sleep, but finally they fell asleep and everything is ready for the big day.

For Christmas Day we have certain obligations we have to do before we begin to celebrate. One of them is going to the cemetery and visit our dead relatives. We clean the graves of snow and we decorated wreaths and candles. It is a sight to see the cemetery full of candles in the early evening we have in the winter.

At 5 o'clock starts all the churches bells ringing. Is the signal that Christmas Eve begins and at this time is it when we have the christmas dinner in Norway. The dark night outside and the houses decorated with a fire on the fireplace with the flames dancing. Everyone at the table, waiting for the food and of course for the gifts. We have a huge variety of inputs including sausages, hams and fish, prepared in different ways. Now comes to the table the Juleöl, the akevitt and all types of wines. The most popular and traditional main course are turkey with different types of stuffing,
lutefisk with lots of trim, the ribbe with sour cabbage or the lamb pinnekjøtt with mashed kohlrabi. The secret of the turkey is the stuffing and of course preparing the sauce. A plate with long traditions is the lutefisk is cod that is desalinated with acid and stays as something gelatinous. With this dish we need to combine with a variety of companions that one can choose freely. As a signature dish at the table we have the ribbe which is part of the loin of pork with roasted skin and finally melted to get the crust crispy. We can combine this dish with sausage and of course the sour cabbage. The high loved dish is the pinnekjøtt. Rack of lamb who is first salted and then dried. Similar as we do with the hams. Then we put in a saucepan wooden sticks crossed and then put the meat on top and do the pinnekjøtt steamed. Usually served with mashed kholrabi mixed with potatoes. You can also combine the holiday meal with different types of sausages and meatballs type called medisterkaker. As we garnish sour cabbage, red cabbage, potatoes, bacon, mashed peas and kohlrabi. In the end we have the rice cream desserts, krumkake or some other kind of cakes. The berries also may be among the desserts in one form or another.

After lunch it's time for a little rest before starting the coffee, served with a varidad of cookies and Christmas cakes. Children impatient waiting for the time to open the gifts. Time stands still and everything is going very slow. In my family it was time that gathered the whole family on my father side. I remember one of my aunts always was late and I had to wait longer than normal to open gifts. Before we open the presents we had to sing typical Christmas songs and walk around the tree holding our hands to who was at your side. At the end one of the older disguised as a Julenisse and distributed the gifts.
Then we had to go to the home of my maternal grandfather to repeat the same operation there. Sing carols circling the tree and then distribute the gifts. And this ended a long day full of joy and good food.

The barn elf (fjösnissen) is a creature of Scandinavian folklore. It was described as a short man, no bigger than a horse's head, dressed in gray, baggy pants and a red cap like that was worn by Norwegian farmers. He lived in the barn and was so shy that you almost never could see him. It was a good helper on the farm, while the farmers treated him well. Especially at Christmas we have to remember to reward him with a big bowl of porridge and home brew. Also let yours Christmas leftovers on the table for the nisse can enjoy them. The fjösnisse had supernatural powers and could become invisible. When something strange or inexplicable happened on the farm the responsable for it was the fjösnisse.